


Stichting Welzijn Projecten Indonesia (Foundation for Welfare Projects Indonesia), SWPI is committed to helping to those in need in Indonesia. Not only do they provide hands on aid, but also help build and maintain projects that stimulate the development of welfare and care for all, children and adults alike.

SWPI is a non-profit organization, with no religious or political agenda.
After careful evaluation of the local participants, their plan and their own resources, SWIP can offer aid in funding and professional support to carry out long-term sustainable projects.
All projects concern the proliferation of heath, welfare, education and counselling.

Management board:

John A.G Pattipeilohy, chairman, founder and project coordinator,
Mr. Arjen H. Chr. Heere, secretary, lawyer in Rotterdam,
Mr. Paul M de Haan, treasurer, fiscal lawyer in Rotterdam,
Dr. Lia van Zuylen, boardmember MD Phd  EMC in Rotterdam


Stichting Welzijn Projecten Indonesie  realizes these goals thought the following:

  • Offering assistance to Indonesian institutions that provide assistance in health care, education, relief and counselling.
  • Working together with Dutch businesses and organizations, SWPI provides

professionals to execute short-stay advisory support and training on location in Indonesia.

  • Through various activities including fund-raising, publication and distribution of books

and periodics, and through maintaining the web-site and other legal requirements,     SWPI sustains and further develops awareness and support for her projects.


To implement and maintain the projects, SWPI needs funding. Not only from it’s registered contributors, it is also through gifts. This could be a one-time donation, a periodic donation or an inheritance.

It’s not the amount that matters, every donation is welcome. Do you have a special interest
in a particular project just let SWPI know and they will pay extra care and attention in seeing that your funding is used in the most efficient way to aid the project.

NL 27INGB 0000945866
Kamer van Koophandel 24381865


In 1995, John Patiipeilohy made a promise to his father. He vowed return to the Rumah Tua, his grandfathers house in the village of Ullath on the island Saparua, and rebuild it to its former glory. In the November 1997 John took a three month leave of absence, and left for the Moluccas  to fulfil this commitment.
Just before Christmas 1997, John’s wife  Angèle van Dorst, arrived from the Netherlands. When she saw how much had been achieved and heard a memorial stone had been ordered with the date: January 10, 1998, she knew was but the beginning of this great adventure.

And indeed, on that date, according to the adat traditions, the house was ceremoniously opened. In the name of the family, the house was made available to the local school and church to accommodate their guests.

In 1998, John Pattipeilohy decided it was time to fulfil a life-long dream: setting up small and coherent welfare projects in Indonesia.
Having quit his job, John began the return to the Moluccas, by way of Ambon, to the islands of his ancestors: Ceram and Saparua. It was a time to take inventory.
Ecological tourism would form the foundation to generate finances. With this he would initiate projects to improve health care and education in the region.
Unfortunately, John didn’t make it past Jakarta. Upheavals on the Moluccas  prevented him from getting there.
He returned to the Netherlands three weeks later; no job, lots of ideas, and undeterred from the desire to do sometime in Indonesia.

In April 1999, John was offered the position of interim director in the Maatschappelijke Opvang, a Welfare Centre for 5 months. Immediately after completion, he left for another 3 month expedition to Indonesia. He figured at this point that if it wouldn’t work out on the Moluccas, he’d try the other islands.
In the meantime, contacts had been made and a network had been set up. It was clear that having a permanent office in Indonesia would not be necessary. It was obvious, that small and coherent project could be run with trustworthily partners on location.

Back in the Netherlands, John took the job of director of the Maatschapelijke Opvang, a Crisis Centre, Women shelter and counselling. In the meantime, the first projects had been initiated. Every vacation was spent in Indonesia, visiting these projects and their network contacts.
By February 2004, John decided it was time to dedicate himself full-time to the projects in Indonesia. He gave up his position once again and in August 2005, officially set up the Stichting Welzijn Projecten Indonesia SWPI ( Foundation Welfare Projects Indonesia). This would be a non-profit, non-political en non-religious foundation.


Projects initiated in the last years:

Organizing and facilitating the improvement of knowledge and professionalism in the field of Speech Therapy. In cooperation with Jan Volkers, two Speech Therapists were sent to Bhakti Luhur in Malang. They gave six month training session to twenty social workers from all over Indonesia.

Acquiring the cooperation of the American publisher of the book Disabled Village Children by David Werner (Berkley, the Hesperian Foundation, 1987-1999) to be published in Indonesia. The translation was done in Bhakti Luhur in Malang ( Anak-Anak desa Yang Menyandang Cacat, Yayasan Bhakti Luhur, 2002).

The book has been made available at no cost to professional social workers and is considered the ‘Bible’ in the field. Important chapters have also been made available for free distribution to the parents of handicapped children. Through illustrations and picture with text, parents have become more involved with their children and their handicap.

Providing assistance in setting up a repair workshop for wheelchairs, as well as, a therapy location for children with multiple handicaps. These projects were initiated in the memory of Jan Volkers who suffered a fatal heart attack during an expedition to Indonesia. Since the workers and the children called him ‘Papa Jan’ the projects carry his name; Papayan 1 and Papayan 2. Both projects are a huge success.

Providing sports clothing and uniforms for, among others, the handicapped soccer team.

Facilitating and maintaining a network of contacts in the fields of health care,      education, relief and counselling.


Stichting Welzijn Projecten Indonesië
Wijnbrugstraat 293
3011 VC Rotterdam
Telefoon     + 31 10 3416688

E-mail         since2005swpi@gmail.com

ING Bank NL27 INGB 0000945866
Kamer van Koophandel 24 38 1865


SWPI had received a conceptual proposal for a project in Maluku Tenggara. The project involved the development of a rehabilitation centre and was seeking financial aid.
The centre would service Maluku Tenggara, Kei Kecil and Kei Besar, better known as de Little and Big Kei islands. Ideally, the centre would open in Kei Kecil near Tual.
In November 2005, SWPI went to the proposed location. After an evaluation it was decided to investigate further into land rights and the budgeting necessary to get started.
The centre will not only help the handicapped children of Kei Kecil, but also train the local people how to take care of them independently. From here, other islands including Kei Besar, can receive help, where there are otherwise no facilities whatsoever.
The Kei islands have a population of over 200,000. From August to November 2005, over 80 handicapped children and several adults had been registered. This number is expected to rise to over a 100.
In preparation for the future, a house has been rented by Bhakti Luhur – Malang, Nurses from the Moluccas area have arrived and have started the distribution of professional care for the children.
The enthusiasm and dedication of these nurses is abundant. Financial aid is an absolute necessity.


SWPI helps support the reconstruction of the Moluccas.

Sister Moens has been active on the Moluccas for several years. Due to the upheavals in the area since 1999, she has initiated a project to build 400 simple homes for the refugees. She has been aided among others by Help Molukken in Need (HMIN).

SWPI has been taking stock of the priorities within Sister Moens projects and the idea has emerged to build a shelter for children. This shelter would also offer educational activities.

Contacts with local organizations on the island of Ambon have allowed SWIP to investigate where help is needed most. Attention fell on a shelter for handicapped children and the professional care required there. They also came across projects concerning heath problems due to sexually transmitted diseases, HIV/Aids and other drug related problems.

SWPI is also investigating the possibility of participating in a project to provide water facilities on the island of Kei Besar.


The Book

Sponsors are being sought for the publication of the book ‘Nothing about us Without us’, by David Werner (Palo Alto, CA 94302, USA, Health Wrights, 1998). This is a handbook which gives a technical explanation of the workings of physiotherapy, accompanied by clear and comprehensive illustrations.
The translation has already been completed in Bhakti Luhur in Malang.
The cost to publish 1000 copies containing 540 pages has been estimated at € 10,000.
(tender 2003). The book will be made available for free, pending postal charges, to all professional caregivers in Indonesia.


Ario Djatmiko is a doctor, medical director and founder of Rumah Sakit Onkologi Surabaya. For many years he had been sending his doctors to specialty hospitals and conventions all over the world in order to gather knowledge and report on new innovations in the field of medicine.
After completing his degree in medicine in Indonesia he furthers his studies at the National
University of Groningen in the Netherlands, to become a Surgeon in Oncology. He is also
a member of the faculty of the University of Surabaya.
To improve the quality of professionalism and knowledge among oncology nursing staff, Dr. Djatmiko has asked SWPI to devise and implement a plan. This plan will cover for the nursing staff, the usage of proper protocol, and introduction of new protocol and the implementation of proper medical procedures.
The Vereniging van Oncologie Verpleegkundigen in Utrecht (NL) (Association of Oncology Nursing Staff in Utrecht, NL) has acknowledged SWPI request for assistance and placed an inquiry in their newsletter. This has resulted in serious applications.
The project is now set to be carried out medio 2006.


In November 2005 a visit was made to Yayasan Tanpa Batas (YTB).
YTB is set on fighting the battle against TBC and HIV/Aids through the education and distribution of information about these diseases to those in high-risk groups such as; prostitutes, dock-workers, fishermen, taxi and bus-drivers, students and prisoners.
This project was initially setup by the Belgian division of Doctors without Borders. In 1999, however, four UN workers had been killed in East-Timor and all international aid workers were forced to leave the islands.
Local staff, seeing the importance of the project, decided to continue their quest.
They did this and changed the name to Tanpa Batas ‘Without Borders’.
SWPI has been asked to represent YTB outside of Indonesia and support their fund-raising efforts in order to make their work possible. Since, a working agreement has been signed.
There is little expectation that the National government will as of yet, support their efforts.
In the last four years the Dutch and Finish Embassies in Jakarta have provided some financial support.


KUBCA is an Indonesian non-profit organization, founded in 1999. Their goal is to educate handicapped people, in particular those that are deaf and have hearing impediments, to lead full and independent lives. In KUBCA SAMAKTA, training skills are taught and participants can build up work experience with various handicrafts.
One of the goals SWPI has in to find distribution channels to sell the crafts produced here.
Ceramics, for instance, are one of the products. According to Dutch experts, these ceramics are of excellent quality and not only because of the exceptional natural materials used.

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